Cain and Abel are the two equinoxes.....Abel is the spring equinox....the lamb/ram of Aries....that starts off the 6 months of light.....and growth.....paradise.
Cain is Libra the autumnal equinox that starts off the 6 months of darkness/death and destruction........hell.....the inverno/inferno......which means winter......the infernal regions.......the land of nod where the earth goes to sleep for 6 months.
The two sacrifices are connected to the two equinoxes.....Abel brings the lamb.....(Aries) and gets gods favour.....6 months of light.
Cain brings vegetables and this connects with the dividing of all the harvested crops at the scales of Libra....the autumn.....and gets gods disfavour....he heads out to the land of darkness.......its all a story.....
The two thieves at each side of Jesus are the two equinoxes goes off into perdition (autumn equinox) and the other will be with Jesus/light/sun as he heads off into paradise....the 6 months of light.
In masonry this is called the royal arch....the "royal" arch because Jesus the sun/king rules these 6 months.
(The 6 months above are the 6 water containers in the water into wine story.....they are the 6 months in which the sun (Jesus) turns the water and grapes into wine at the end of the 6 months of growth.)
The two equinoxes are thieves in the sense that the autumnal equinox steals the light from the earth (the bad thief).....and the spring equinox steals the light back (the good thief) the two tommies do their thing every year....the twins.
Arguing against stories such as the fall of man is as useless as arguing about Santa.....both not real....but still important stories about the cycle of the year and the zodiac.